Car Track Singapore

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Safety Tips

Tips For Safe Driving In Malaysia

  • Lock your car doors at all times, even when you are inside the car.
  • Do not approach your car if there are strangers loitering around it.
  • When approaching your car, check for hidden/blind spots around the car to make sure no one is hiding behind it.
  • Once inside your car, lock the doors immediately. Do not wait till you start the engine.
  • Do not park in dimly lit areas.
  • Remove your cash card and any other items (bags, notebook, mobile phone etc) that will be of interest to the thieves. These items will only give additional incentive to the thieves to steal your car.
  • Lock you car boot and glove compartment. Make sure your car doors are locked before you walk away from it.
  • When someone intentionally hits your car, drive to the nearest police station to settle the case.
  • If someone signal to you that your car tire is flat etc, do not stop and get down from your car to check. Drive to the nearest petrol station or somewhere safe to inspect the fault.
  • Try to avoid driving along the North South Highway at night or early in the morning when it is still dark.
  • If you are being car-jacked, do not resist. Let the car thieves have your car. Your life is more important!!

For additional peace of mind on the road, consider investing in personal car tracking or a fleet management system. These vehicle tracking solutions offer real-time monitoring and enhanced security features to keep you and your vehicle safe. Learn more about how personal car tracking and fleet management system can benefit you today.